Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Original Text: Cinderella by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Familiar Text: Diary entry Familiar

The purpose of my familiar text is to show the story of Cinderella through the point of view of her evil stepsisters. The audience for the diary entries would be intended for only the stepsisters' eyes, but clearly we will be reading it! The stance of the diaries will be for the stepsisters to express exactly why they despise Cinderella.

Unfamiliar Text: Wanted Advertisement Unfamiliar

The purpose of my unfamiliar text is to show that the prince would stop at nothing to find his beautiful Cinderella and Cinderella just wanted to find her shoe. The audience for these two pieces is everyone who lives within the village where the prince and Cinderella reside. The stance of these pieces are of despiration. Cinderella and The prince just want to find what they're looking for.

For my diary entries I will show how the stepsisters truly feel about Cinderella in a comical way. I chose this format, because I thought it would be interesting to show the story of Cinderella through a different point of view. I chose to do the want ads, because I though that back in the times of Cinderella there were no cellphones or televisions, so in order to find what you were looking for you would have to place want ads around town.

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