Thursday, March 1, 2012


This weekend I am doing something that I never thought I would get a chance to do. I am auditioning for "The Voice" is Chicago on Saturday night at 5:00 at night. It has always been my dream to take my singing talents to the next level and make them my career. I know that all of this sounds so cliche, but when I sing I feel like I have left the world that I am living in and entered into some alternate world where all of my burdens just float away and I am left with just the notes and the word that I convey in a musical way. When I perform I am at my absolute happiest state of mind and since I've moved out to Kalamazoo I haven't had many opportunities to perform. It is starting to take a toll on me to the point where I don't really feel like myself anymore. So that is why I have decided to take a risk and go for this once in a lifetime opportunity. What have I got to lose? Nothing! If I don't try this now, I know I never will. Wish me luck!

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